Beyond Basic Ingredients: Mixology and Estate Planning Workshop

  • Tuesday, February 06, 2024
  • 7:30 PM
  • Zoom (link sent to registrants)

Please join the Bedford Family Connection and The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm for an evening of cocktails, and conversation around essential legal planning to protect the people you love the most- your kids.

During this virtual event, mixologist Meredith Powell will walk us through the creation of a seasonal cocktail (supplies provided!) Then, hear from The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm founding attorney (and dad of two,) David Feakes, who will briefly discuss the essentials of putting a solid estate plan in place.

At the end of the evening, you'll be able to answer the question: "What would happen to my kids, if something happened to me?" You'll log off armed with an action plan to be sure your kids will be raised by who you want, in the way you want - no matter what.

This informational event is FREE, but registration is required. Register here by January 29th:

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